Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Conspiracy is the coming together of piracy. It is a rigging of reality. Gangsterism in suits.
Only a constantly developing critical mind can stay abreast of the tyrrany of those who create the consensus reality. Truths appear self-evident when they are repeated over and over again. Fear is the most effective tool of the conspirators, be they fronted by Bush, Hitler or Botha. Sometimes it is overt, sometimes subtle. It is always working against what you really want: Freedom. This word is often used by conspirators, usually when they claim it is under threat. We are sold an idea of freedom and because most of us lack the critical reasoning skills to determine what we are really presented with, we buy it. We buy wars by believing the rhetoric of warmongers, sending our sons and daughters off to kill in them. We buy poisonous genetically modified food because we care more about convenience than ingredients. We buy drugs because our culture has led us to believe that the problems they present us with are worth the problems they appear to solve. We give the conspirates what they want, our freedom.
Freedom has a price. Sure it does, but it's not other people's blood. It is an unceasingly critical mind, an unswerving quest for truth, the truth of how free we are not.